viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

The importance of a balanced diet in preschoolers

Do you want your child to eat healthy foods, but do you know which nutrients are necessary and in what amounts? Here is a quick overview of nutrition for kids.

Nowadays the childhood obesity is a common problem in children, because of the fast food and another fatty meals. For that reason is so important créate a balanced diet for the smallest kids and maintain these healthy habits that will stay with them all the life.
A little child needs the same nutrients as an adult, they must eat daily a lot of vegetables, fruits and grain (five portions a day). Also are important the proteins for make them stronger, we could find this nutrient on fish or meat.

The advantages of a healthy nourishment are good physical and mental development, also a balanced diet make us happy, prevent diseases and protect our immune system. Furthermore the good meals make us healthy people, if you eat the correct dishes in reasonable amounts your body could assimilate better the nutrients and you will become into a healthful person.

If you would feed your child you couldn't bring them fatty meals, soda or sugary foods. Traditional plates are the best choice against the fast food; that doesn't mean that let them eat some sweets or ice cream occasionally but these aliments couldn't be the base of their diet.
A good method for make enjoy the children with the balanced meals is the cook. If they prepare the meals with their parents or another relative they would be more conscious about the food what they are going to eat, prepare the dishes is an excellent manner to make them informed about what they eat.

Below this article we can find a Schedule with the most important aliments in a preschoolers diet and the reasonable quantities for babies and little boys or girls. Enjoy it and remember we are what we eat, keep healthy and your life would be better. If you have questions about nutrition for kids or specific concerns about your child's diet, talk to your child's doctor or a registered dietitian.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Halloween is coming!

It's true Halloween is coming and it's a good opportunity to learn English with our children. In early childhood education we could improve their vocabulary related to this festivity with songs, tales and many craftworks. Because at these ages we couldn't teach them grammar, for that reason the teachears have to bring their students funny and useful resources to enhance their spelling of the words related to Halloween.
An example is this nursery rhyme called "Five little monsters" which is the same song as "Five little monkeys" but remaked for Halloween party.

Also we could make some craftworks in class with daily materials. You could find some useful links below about Halloween crafts, for Preschoolers or Primary pupils:

¿What did they have the best teachers that I have had?

Sometimes I think about my decision to become a teacher, the reason what I decided to study and finish the career as a childhood teacher.
I'm sure that the teachers that I've had along my education pathway inspired me to choose this beautiful profession. So I would like to start this English educational blog talking about the best teachers that I have had all this years and their abilities to become into authentic heroes inside the school.

When I was younger in the Primary School I admired my English teacher and at the High School my Maths teacher was a model for me. Also at the University I found good teachers who taught me the really mission of being a memorable professor. Everyone of us has at least one or more teachers in their lifes who leaves a great influence on their personality. The real teachers not only help the students with their studies but also mold their overall personality, put in their pupils their best efforts to teach them all they can only with the wish that their students do well on life.

A good teacher has to encourage the students in everything what they're doing in the life, not only at homework. Must listen them and care about their problems, help whenever they need it and teach not only about his/her subject furthermore about the life. If a teacher could change your mind into a bettered knowledge you would be lucky, because you had learned more about the life you'll be an authentic citizen.

That's the reason why I decided to be a teacher, a real teacher. I love my students and heard them about their lifes and problems, I laughed with them and taught more about great values for life. Finally I think that's the main idea about education, the knowledge makes you a clever person but also a good human with feelings and dreams.

Bloom's Taxonomy

Do you know what High Order Thinking means?

If you're an English teacher or another professional who teaches subjects in English you must read this article.
Higher Order Thinking (HOT) is related to metacognition, in other words, when our students understand what we're teaching and they are conscious about their knowledges HOT appears. As a teachers we have to help our children in order to improve their knowledges with games and useful activities. 

Benjamin Bloom creates in 1948 the Bloom's Taxonomy, this technique represents the meaning of HOT because studies the goals of the activities in class. Bloom's Taxonomy studies the three basic domains which are involved into learning: cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. Into cognitive domain we found six skills: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Many years later another group of psychologists changed the original Bloom's Taxonomy into a bettered version, which includes another new part of Taxonomy: creation. It's important to evaluate our students' knowledge but also it's fundamental to apply the ability of creating something new about what they've learned.

The last two weeks we had been studying the Bloom's Taxonomy in class when the professor proposed us an activity. It consists on reply some questions related to Bloom's Taxonomy new version, about a recently film or a book what we have read recently or a movie that we have seen. These are my answers:
  1. Remembering: Who was the main character? The main character was Snowhite and the seven dwarfs who helped her.
  2. Understanding: What is the main idea of the story? The main idea is Snowhite represents youth beauty and kindness, for this her stepmother is jeaolus and tried to kill her with a poisoned apple for became into the most beautiful woman of the kingdom. 
  3. Applying: What questions would you ask in an interview with the main character? What's your opinion about your stepmother?, What's your favorite dwarf?, Have you ever been killed with a poisoned apple?
  4. Analyzing: How is this story related to your life? I'm a kind and generous person so other people was jealous of me and tried to I feel badly with myself.
  5. Evaluating: What choice would you have made if you were in the story? I will create another poisoned apple and bring it to the evil queen.
  6. Creating: How would you adapt the plot to create a different story? I wouldn't change the plot so I will change the characters and the magical object and adapt the story for nowadays.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Little Red Hen

Today I want to present you this book recomended for each students who are learning to read in English properly. The Little Red Hen is a traditional tale which the students could learn more about the own responsability and the fact of sharing with who helped us.

It's interesting to give more importance to the reading part of an exam, because the pupils' pronunciation is not well nowadays in the most of Spanish schools. This tale is recommended for fifth or sixth grade because the're more conscious about grammar and spelling. Furthermore the story has some activities at the end, these questions will be useful if the teachers wants to evaluate their children.

If we (as a teacher) would to adapt this tale or questions to low grades we could make vocabulary lists and group the words into categories (animals and food in this case) or create little dialogues above the story between the pupils, payin attention on the spelling of course.

To tell a story and read it in class is an useful resource for English teacher, our children will learn better if we'll able to combine the knowledge with funny games (if it's possible). The children and teenagers' literature it's a powerful tool which the teachers can approach their pupils to the awareness.