sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

Music in preschoolers

The musical education is quite important for preschoolers because we develop their sense of rhythm, the coordinated movement and their sensibility to music and the sounds. With this new blog input we want to share with you some crafts about the music subject. A good teacher has to know to do anything, for that reason this article will show you how to make musical instruments for your preschool class (also you can use this ideas for Primary classes). ¡Here we go!


2 paper plates
hole punch                                                
jingle bells

Glue two paper plates together, facing each other. Using a hole punch, make holes around the plates and tie jingle bells to the holes with a string. Decorate the tambourine with crayons.


Paper towel roll
Waxed paper
Rubber band

Cover one end of the paper tower roll with waxed paper, secure it with a rubber band. Punch a row of holes along one side of the roll with the tip of a pen.


Two matching pot covers
A ribbon

Tie the ribbon on yarn around the handles of the pot covers. To play, strike together.

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